Azarin Yashil Forozan SabalanTrading Co

There are no supply restrictions for us

Import, export, and purchase and sale of all permitted goods

Business Consultant

Shipping insurance





Fast clearance
Lowest cost
Free consultation

Azarian Yashil Foruzan Sabalan Company is one of the subsidiaries of the Aisan Group of Companies, which was established in June 2015 and has continued its existence based on the various needs of the country in the fields of import and export, agriculture and industry.

In addition to obtaining a business card and other specialized licenses in this field, this company is engaged in activities with a technical and commercial staff specializing in specialized imports, raw material supply, foreign trade, and clearance of goods from all the country’s markets with the aim of helping all industries in supplying the strategic items needed in the country.

Azarian Yashil Foruzan Sabalan Trading Company is currently importing all kinds of zero and used tractors to the country in a specialized manner and exporting all domestic products, including oil, gas, and petrochemical products, to abroad.

Customs Services
Cargo service
Forwarding services
Land, sea, air, rail transportation
Import of production line
Export of various goods and products

Start with a business appointment

    تهران، ولنجک، فرهنگ 13، تقاطع ساسان
    ساختمان هیترا، واحد 403
    تماس با ما : 27 - 823 180 22 21 (+98)
    ساعات کار
    شنبه تا پنجشنبه (8:00 تا 16:00)